Get a Free On-Site Quote from Our Vancouver Movers!
Beacon Bright Movers is a registered, licensed, insured, and locally owned company based out Vancouver’s West End. For over 15 years, we have been offering moving and packing services to our clients. Our attentive, skillful, and efficient movers are available every day of the week to serve residential and commercial customers like couples, singles and seniors in Vancouver, Victoria, Port Coquitlam, Burnaby, and all of the Lower Mainland. We also offer highly flexible moving hours.
Email Us
Before you start wrapping up that china, get a free quote on our services by calling us, sending an email, or completing the form on this page. You also have the choice of having our team pack and/or unpack everything for you!
*Quotes for the Ministry of Children and Families/social assistance provided upon request.
Fill Out the Form below for a Quote
Beacon Bright Movers
Suite 1102, 2001 Beach Avenue
Vancouver, BC
V6G 1Z3
Phone: 604-364-6222
Email: info@beaconbrightmovers.ca
Monday – Friday: 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
We offer Highly Flexible Moving Hours